2 Which CMS will best suite for your business or purpose?
Definitely CMS is most convenient and cheap solution to initiate a business website. Only you need to have a look on your business current situation and your products/services and choose the rightful CMS option available in the market. Most CMS are open source, free and very affordable when considering it for a website platform on which your website will stand.
Definitely CMS is most convenient and cheap solution to initiate a business website. Only you need to have a look on your business current situation and your products/services and choose the rightful CMS option available in the market. Most CMS are open source, free and very affordable when considering it for a website platform on which your website will stand.
E-Commerce Website
Suppose your main purpose is an ecommerce business, mainly for products i.e. health products, sports products, home decor products, electronics products and others. Then your CMS choice should be an ecommerce structure fulfilling most of your features and functionality available in it. Great benefit of a CMS includes add-ons mostly free or coming with small affordable or cheap price. The low cost add ons helps to cut your bill down, but before choosing a CMS read carefully all the features and functionality available within the CMS. Because it is often found most time claimed features not working properly after being bought. And don’t forget to check whether custom coding allowed or not If you want to make some custom changes through CMS
Some recommended names are like BhaiyaCMS, VirtueMart,
Magento, osCommerce and opencart